Edward Everett Root Publishers Co. Ltd.


Dickens and Women

Third edition, with a new preface by the author.

Michael Slater

ISBN 9781911454786 Paperback £34.99  Order
ISBN 9781911454793 Hardback  £50.00  Order

​500 pp.  216 x 140 mm.

About this book

​This brilliant, classic and scholarly study provides the fullest treatment of a key subject. It is one of the essential works on Dickens’s work and life.

A new preface deals with more recent commentary.

Dickens’s treatment of women is a central aspect of his artistic achievement.

Professor Slater examines the novelist's experience of women – as son, brother, lover, husband, and father, and as it affected the deepest emotional currents in his life. His perception of female nature and his conception of women’s role in the home and outside it – and the ways in which these found expression in his art - are pivotal topics.

Professor Slater has sifted the mass of legends and doubtful traditions about Dickens’s private life to present a close examination of his relations with women, and of his views of woman’s nature and the womanly ideal.

This work offers the most detailed survey of women in the novels, and the most comprehensive attempted. It has been acclaimed internationally.​

About the author

Michael Slater is Emeritus Professor of Victorian Literature at Birkbeck College, University of London, past President of the International Dickens Fellowship and of the Dickens Society of America, and former editor of ‘The Dickensian’.


"These four updated seminal studies belong in any core reference collection on the life and works of Dickens, one of today’s greatest global literary giants.”  — Professor Edward Guiliano, co-editor Dickens Studies Annual.

​“without question a great book.” – Sylvère  Monod, The Dickensian. 

“a book that no-one who takes pleasure in reading Dickens should miss.” – Anthony Curtis, Financial Times.

“it’s hard to imagine the subject being treated in a more scholarly and capable way.” – John Carey, Sunday Times.